Homework -Names and Addresses-

1. Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc...?

I think that feelings emotions and facial expressions are universal.
Anybody, when they are happy, they are smile.
And they are sad, they are sad face or crying.
I think that this is same all of the world.

Sometimes someone express someone's elation with tears.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. Now write the English translation.

幸福 happiness enjoyment pleasure joy
不幸 adversity unfortunate unpropitious unlucky
絶望 depression despair hopelessness desperation
苦痛 affliction bitterness distress hardship
愛情 adoration love affection affectionate
悲痛 bale heartbreak pang pathos woe
快楽 pleasure sweet volupte enjoy
疲労 lassitude tiredness weariness wearisomeness
愉快 amusing cheerful glorious gratifying
不快 chill disamenity discomfort dysphoria

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

I think...

たいぎい うざい やばい etc

It might be able to translate,
but I think that it is difficalt and not 100 percent.


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